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// Welcome to Oak Field School // Christmas Family Fun Afternoon - Saturday 30th November // Need this information in a different way or a paper copy? Get in touch on 0115 915 3265 or

Oak Field School

All age

Holi Festival Activities

Celebrate Holi festival with us with these fun and colourful activities!

French Landmarks Yoga: Celebrate Bastille Day with yoga!

New French Activities: Create a headdress for Bastille Day celebrations or have a go at creating a Monet masterpiece.

New French Activities: Eiffel Tower Fact Sheet and craft activity. Can you collage an Eiffel tower?

New French Activities: Un Elephant. Poem about Elephants balancing with accompanying activities.

New French Activities: Red, White and Blue colour hunt. Cna you find things around your home that match the French Flag colours?

Give messages of hope to Nottingham!:- Design a piece of art, poster, poem, message or slogan for our City, sharing positivity with all. (Entries can be sent via school)

Libary Quiz

A little quiz to remind you of some of Oak Field's best-read books.
Do you know who the mysterious quiz master is?

NEW: Eid craft activity. Enjoyed assembly and want to enjoy some craft with your family? Use the template below.

NEW Art: Paper Birds and Ladybird Stones

Join Andrea for some creativity!

Bug Hotel

Make a bug hotel for your garden, the window sill or yard.

So you've got some out of date flour? Perfect for playdough!

This is "Playdough" by Oak Field School on Vimeo.

We've joined the lastest craze in making a fun message video whilst catching and dropping virtual toilet rolls! Please read our Latest News to find out how your child can join in!

Toilet Roll Drop!

We are making a fun video for you to share a simple hello with pupils, staff and Governors from Oak Field!


Here’s what you need to do to take part:

  • Find a toilet roll (preferably white).
  • Find somewhere to video your “toilet roll catch, ‘hello’ and toilet roll drop”.
  • Make sure that you have put away personal items that shouldn’t be seen in the background.



  • If using a phone, turn your phone on its side (landscape).

If using a camera, keep it landscape.


  • Send it by the end of the day on Tuesday 12th May



Celebrating WCAT International Day Of Dance - can you spot some Oak Field Friends?

Look out for some Oak Field friends in this dance video

Today is International Day of Dance! Enjoy this #WCAT dance collaboration featuring dancers of all ages and abilities, including Andrew Self from BBC's Great...

NEW Natural Art

Join Andrea for some Art activities with easy to find materials.

Natural Art - get creative with things you can easily find.

An accessible recipe for all. Practise your kitchen skills while making something tasty to eat as a family for dinner.

Show your support with some RAINBOW art work!

Here's Brooke's Rainbow artwork!

Spend time looking at photos with your family and even help to organise your family photos.

Communication Sheets

Parents and Carers:


You can use these communication boards to help each other express needs, wants and emotions. Adults will need to model how to use the board in order for children and young people to learn what the symbols mean (see demo video). Communication mat  demon


For example, an adult points to and says "more" if they reach out again towards something they like, or by pointing to and saying "stop" if they push and object away. You might need to do this lots of times before they begin to use the board themselves.


The board should be always available for communication to happen.


Children and young people may look at the symbol or may try to reach and touch. Ideally model and encourage a point of the finger if possible. Accept any effort in reaching or looking as communication and reward them with 'more' of their favourite song for example. Try to keep the board consistent so that they only have to think about communicating and not where the symbol is each time (this is called motor planning).


Have fun with your favourite songs and activities to promote communication. Let us know how you get on. 

Communication sheets

You might like to make a timetable to help your school-days at home feel familiar and have a routine.


Use these resources to help you.

Help with a Home Learning Timetable

Symbols for a Learning at Home Timetable


Have an outdoor space or a window ledge and some compost?

NEW: Create a time capsule of your life at the moment to remember this time in the future. Find a template for a Covid 2020 one below

NEW: Activities to get you moving at home from Big Life Journal
