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Oak Field School

Asking NICER about your project

If you want our help with research that you are planning please contact David Stewart whose details are shown on the Contact NICER page. He will arrange for you to come along to one of our meetings.

Please provide a one page A4 lay summary of the project to David Stewart two weeks prior to the meeting. Your summary should include:


  • Title of study
  • Description / background details of the study
  • Three questions you wish us to consider for example writing information sheets, designing pilot work, advising on recruitment and dissemination, testing software and advising on accessibility.

Please prepare:

  • A 5-10 minute presentation of your project to bring to the meeting. We like to get practically involved rather than just sitting listening so please think about practical demonstrations or videos.

We will probably have some more questions on the day and then have some discussion time to give you the information you want.

We do like to hear about how your research worked out so please come back to one of our meetings to give us an update.
