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Oak Field School

Autumn update for families

Dear Parent/Guardian(s)

A very quick thank you for your support this half term, which has been exceptionally busy!


It was lovely to see so many parents and families at our Macmillan coffee morning – and we raised just over £200 for the charity. And the school was a sea of red today, showing solidarity for the Show Racism the Red Card campaign – thanks to all for supporting this.


Last Friday, we had a wonderful response to our Harvest Festival appeal for Emmanuel House – so many kind donations of foodstuffs, so thank you. Please see the photos on our website of some of our 6th Formers delivering the food there yesterday. Emmanuel House sent us a really nice letter of thanks, which you can also see on our website.


Pupils in the City who are on free school meals (FSM) should have received their food vouchers for half term. Nottingham City Council are also keen to remind families that food banks are happy to help anyone who needs it. It doesn’t matter why you need help.

You can get a food bank voucher from Nottingham City Council’s customer hub, Children’s centres, GPs, health visitor, citizen’s advice and other routes


As well as food banks, Nottingham has quite a few social eating cafes offering very cheap or free hot meals –  see where your nearest one is here


Looking ahead, here are some diary dates for next half term:

Weds 2nd November 6-7.30pm                   Fireworks Night - don’t forget to buy your tickets!

Saturday 12th November                              Saturday swim (am)

Monday 21st November 4-6pm                  Parent Evening

Friday 25th November                                    INSET Day

Saturday 26th November                              Saturday swim (am) and Family Fun Day (pm)

Saturday 10th December                               Saturday swim (am)

Tues 14th and Weds 15th Dec                       Christmas Show: Dick Whittington!

Weds 21st December                                      EYFS Nativity and last day of term


I hope you and your families enjoy the half term break. We look forward to seeing the pupils again on Monday 31st October.


Yours sincerely


Patricia Lewis (Headteacher)
