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Oak Field School

Easter Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Club @ Oak Field, run by Your Sport Solutions Tuesday 02 – Friday 05 April 2024, 10am – 2pm. For pupils age 4 (Reception) to 16 (KS4 Year 11) on Free School Meals (FSM)

Re:          Easter Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Club @ Oak Field, run by Your Sport Solutions

                Tuesday 02 – Friday 05 April 2024, 10am – 2pm.

                For pupils age 4 (Reception) to 16 (KS4 Year 11) on Free School Meals (FSM)

Dear Parent/Guardian(s)


You may be aware of the Government (DfE) funded Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme, which is free for all pupils age 4 (in Reception) to age 16 (in KS4 Y11) who are eligible for Free School Meals. You will already have received your child’s unique HAF voucher code by text and email from Nottingham City Council.  


This Easter holiday, an organisation called Your Sport Solutions has hired part of Oak Field School from OCS (who manage the school building) to deliver a 4-day HAF club from Tuesday 02 – Friday 05 April, 10am to 2pm. This club is open to children and young people with SEN across the city, and the organisation would especially like to include Oak Field pupils, which is why they have hired this particular building. They have said that the sort of fun activities the children and young people will be doing will include sport, cooking, and a visit from White Post Farm.


The club and lunch is free, but you will need to transport your child to and from the Oak Field School building.


Your Sport Solutions will be running this club with their own staff, supplemented by some Oak Field staff. I must stress, however, that this club is not led or managed in any way by Oak Field School – any Oak Field staff working at the club will be working for Your Sport Solutions during that time.


If you are interested in finding out more about this club, please contact Richie Holmes directly at Your Sport Solutions 07871 357 197 or by emailing him at


Richie has said that every effort will be made to ensure that the club is as inclusive as possible, but you will understand that he and his team might not be able to meet some of the complex health, postural management, care, and behavioural needs of some of the Oak Field pupils. It is therefore really important that you give him really clear and accurate information about your child’s needs.


This is the only information the school will be sending out about the club – please direct any queries directly to Richie rather than to the school.


We do hope some of the Oak Field pupils will be able to access this opportunity, and that it goes really well.


Yours sincerely

Patricia Lewis

