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Oak Field School

Letter to families

Re: All pupils in school from Monday 8th March

Dear Parent/Guardian(s)


We are really looking forward to seeing all the pupils in school next week. We have approx. 70% of the pupils in already, and they are very keen to see all their friends again. If your child has been learning at home so far this term, don’t forget to tell Transport that you would like the crew to collect them on Monday morning!   


We do understand that some of you will still be very anxious about

Covid-19. Our whole-school risk assessment remains in place (you can read this on our website), and we are continuing to take all the measures we have taken so far – such as class bubbles, frequent hand-washing, and social distancing as far as possible. All of the Oak Field staff have now been offered the Covid-19 vaccine, on a voluntary basis. We will also continue to offer all staff twice weekly lateral flow tests, which they will now do at home.  


We won’t be testing any pupils in school. However, if any families of secondary age pupils (pupils who will be age 12 or over by 31st August 2021) would like a home test kit to use with their child at home, please let me know. You may also have seen in the press that the the households of all pupils will soon be offered the opportunity to test themselves at home. We would strongly encourage all members of your household to do this, and will provide information about how to access this testing as soon as we have it.


We hope you will find this reassuring for your children and families.


As always, if you have any questions, concerns or worries at this stage, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Yours sincerely


Patricia Lewis

