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// Welcome to Oak Field School // INSET DAY - Monday 24th February 2025 //Need this information in a different way or a paper copy? Get in touch on 0115 915 3265 or

Oak Field School

Letter to families - holiday arrangements

Re: COVID-19 reporting at the beginning of the holiday (for pupils who have been in school this week).

Dear Parent/Guardian(s)


Thank you once again for everything you have done this term to reduce the spread of COVID-19 within our school community – your help and support has been much appreciated. In line with Government requirements, I am writing to ask you to work with us over the first few days of the Easter holiday to continue the fight against the virus.


If your child/young person develops coronavirus symptoms within 2 days of their last day at school and then subsequently tests positive for coronavirus or

If your child doesn’t have symptoms but has a coronavirus test within 2 days of their last day at school, please contact us as soon as possible on the school mobile 07940 269 275.


For example, for pupils who have attended school on the last day of term today (Thursday 1st April), this would mean notifying us of pupil symptoms developing on Thursday 1st, Friday 2nd or Saturday 3rd April.  


To get a coronavirus test, use the NHS COVID-19 app, via or by calling NHS on 119. Many test results are now being received 24-48 hours after the test.


A member of the Senior Leadership Team will be available on the mobile number between Fri 2nd and Weds 7th April between 9am and 5pm to receive your messages. If your child’s symptoms develop after Saturday 3rd April, you should use only the NHS Test and Trace process until the school returns on Monday 19th April, as your child would not have been contagious whilst they were in school.


If you report a positive case to us, we will contact the pupils and staff in your child’s class. Please will all parents also ensure you check our website for any updates throughout this time:


We would like all of our pupils, staff and wider community to have an Easter holiday unaffected by self-isolation, but unfortunately coronavirus doesn’t take a break. We therefore ask everyone to be as vigilant as possible in the early days of the holiday and to ensure you get a PCR (laboratory) test (not an LFT test) for your child if they are showing any of the coronavirus symptoms. If you are in doubt as to whether you child has symptoms and needs to be tested, please contact 119 for their advice.

With very best wishes for a safe and happy holiday.

Yours sincerely


Patricia Lewis

