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Oak Field School

Letter to families

Friday 22 May 2020

Dear Parent/Guardian(s)


Thank you for all you are continuing to do to keep your children and families safe and well, and to limit the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). As we go in to half term next week, here is a written update of some of the things we have been discussing with you in our recent telephone calls.


What will happen at Oak Field from Monday June 1st?

We will continue to offer some part-time school provision to

  • the children of critical workers, and
  • pupils in families where risk assessment by the school, parent, Local Authority, Social Care, and other professionals (as appropriate) has deemed that this is the safest course of action for that pupil at the current time. As you know, risk assessment is ‘live’ and ongoing.


If your child, or anyone in your household, has a shielding letter, we would not expect them to be in school unless risk assessment suggests otherwise.

If the public health situation significantly improves, with fewer deaths from coronavirus and a lower R-number, we will look gradually to increase the number of pupils who are offered some part-time school provision, on a cautious, phased basis.


This means that most pupils will not be returning to school until September, and will be continuing their learning at home.


How will Oak Field continue to support my child’s learning at home?

We will continue to upload learning activities to our website:

Go to, then click the Families tab (top left), then choose Learning at home from the drop-down menu.


Teachers are also very carefully going through each pupil’s EHCP, and setting goals for June and July. They are then updating each pupil’s Achievement Profile with suggestions for activities and resources you could use with your


child at home to work towards these goals. After half term, teachers will be phoning

you to talk about these activities with you, and in some cases school will be sending or delivering resources home to help you with these, if you would like this.


Will school continue to contact us after half term?

Yes! Teachers will continue to phone to check that you are all ok, and to talk about how you are getting on with learning activities and physical activity/exercise with your child. Don’t forget that other family members might also like to help with these! Lots of families are enjoying the online assemblies, and are emailing to our admin email address photos and details of their child’s good work to include in this section of the assemblies. Please continue to do this by 12 o’clock each Wednesday – we really look forward to seeing all this good work each week!


What about the group of pupils who are in school?

As you know from how hands-on you need to be with your child, we can’t guarantee social distancing at school (which is why we are trying to keep pupil numbers low at the moment), but we have put in measures like keeping the pupils in very small groups and ensuring regular hand-washing. For personal and intimate care, staff wear gloves and aprons. We continue to update our risk assessment in line with Public Health, DfE and Local Authority Guidance, and we are in regular contact with the LA Schools’ Health and Safety Manager.


Which staff are in school?

Senior Leaders are always in school, including the Safeguarding Lead. Some teachers and support staff are in school on a rota, and others are working from home, for example creating website learning activities and other resources.


Are Health staff in school?

The Complex Health Needs Team are in school and currently have capacity for up to 4 pupils on their caseload on any 1 day (this could be different ‘groups’ of pupils on different days).

Physios, OTs and Speech and Language Therapists are not currently working face-to-face on site with the pupils - please use the SPA number if you want to get in touch with them. Physios and OTs will continue to contact you at home, especially for clinically urgent cases.  


A reminder of some important phone numbers for Health staff:

  • Community paediatrician hub: 0115 840 4848
  • SPA – for community nurses, Physios, OTs, SaLT: 0300 123 3387
  • Rosscare – for wheelchair repairs: 0115 684 8275


I appreciate that this time continues to bring many challenges for families, and would like to reassure you that we continue to be available to support you. Please don’t hesitate to phone us, or to email the admin email address (above) if you are struggling, and we will try to help you. The best time to contact us ‘live’ is currently between 8.30am and 1.30pm. 


I hope this is helpful to you, and thank you for your continued support. 


Yours sincerely



Patricia Lewis (Headteacher) 

