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Oak Field School

NEU Teacher Strike Days

Re: NEU Teacher Strike Days:    Weds 1st March

Weds 15th + Thurs 16th March


Dear Parent/Guardian(s)


Further to my letters of 17th and 27th January, I would like to remind you of the next NEU (National Education Union) strike action day on Wednesday 1st March 2023. This is a regional strike day which includes the East Midlands.

The NEU is the largest teaching union, and many of the Oak Field teachers belong to this union.


Further talks at national level are due to take place, but the DfE and the Local Authority (LA) are advising schools to prepare for this next strike action.


Again, at this point, we don’t yet know if, or how many, teachers might be taking strike action, but I do need to advise you to prepare for some disruption and potential closure of classes/the school on Weds 1st March.


Please therefore be prepared to put in a contingency plan for that day, when your child/children might not be able to come to school. We will of course make every effort to minimise disruption if we can.


I will update you as soon as we know more.

Yours sincerely


Patricia Lewis

