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Oak Field School

Red Nose Day 2022

Friday 11 March 2022

Dear Parent/Guardian(s)


Next Friday (18th March) is Red Nose Day. This year the theme is “Funny is Power”: being able to laugh and having an individual impact - every penny has the power to make a big difference.


On that Friday, we would like pupils and staff to wear fancy dress - anything from pyjamas to pirates, superheroes to spotty dogs, anything goes! Or wear something red.

To raise money for the charity, it would be great if families could make a donation, which you can do through the School Gateway (see attached). Alternatively there will also be a collection box for cash on the Reception desk and at the cake sale table.


From Monday (14th March) classes across the school will be doing fun activities such as creating their own superhero masks and baking cakes. There will also be a whole school rowing challenge and ‘Red Nose and Spoon Race’ challenge throughout the week.


Thank you in advance for your support. We look forward to seeing lots of funny outfits and faces on Friday 18th March.

Yours sincerely


Katy Tigg

7 -14 Phase Leader

