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// Welcome to Oak Field School // INSET DAY - Monday 24th February 2025 //Need this information in a different way or a paper copy? Get in touch on 0115 915 3265 or

Oak Field School

Class 11, 12, 14, 6F1, 6F2, 6F3, 6F4

Learning at home activities








Additional learning activities

Gym session at home.

Can you complete this ‘gym’ session at home? Pause the video to practice the moves or go right the way through!

NEW Legs and feet workout - using small movements (sitting and wheelchair)

A lower limb workout that you can do in a wheelchair.

Wellbeing BINGO: Use this to guide your wellbeing activities this week.

NEW Sensory Mark Making

NEW Work Skills demo video

NEW: Work skills challenges

From a dark shed.....Mr Stink Part 3 is here!

Join Matthew for some Mr Stink related activities and little of Chapter 12 and 13!

Zephaniah - Nature Trails

Wildlife resource sheets to go with the 'Zephaniah - Nature Trails'

Listen! This SENSORY activity by Anna is lots of fun.

NEW: Work Skills activity. Use this activity to guide your "Helping at home". There is an activity log for you to complete too, see download.

NEW...Mr Stink part 2: English and Maths including Sensory, Exploration, Matching and Communication.

Chapter 8 with a range of English and maths activities.
In the story, Chloe lets the homeless Mr Stink live in the shed.

NEW: Maths, Computing and Geography. Use this list to guide your searches on Google Street View. Click the link to take you to Notttingham City Centre.

Sensory and physical: We are using Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice' as our theme, taking inspiration from Italian culture.

NEW Merchant of Venice: A quick guide to the story. Also see 'Voices' and the Creative "Casket Activity"

NEW Creative: Merchant of Venice - Make your own casket! You can always reuse it for jewellery, sweets or maybe chocolate eggs??

NEW Art and creative: Merchant of Venice. Also see pdf pictures to use as a starting point, or create your own.

NEW Downloads: Merchant of Venice drawings for you to colour, collage.

More and Stop symbols and signs to support simple communication at home.

NEW Cooking: A simple cheese cake.
