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// Welcome to Oak Field School // INSET DAY - Monday 24th February 2025 //Need this information in a different way or a paper copy? Get in touch on 0115 915 3265 or

Oak Field School

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) update and school

Re: COVID-19 (Coronavirus) update and school


Dear Parent/Guardian(s)


You will be aware that the the DfE (Government) have issued new guidelines to parents and schools, starting from Monday (23rd March).


The government have asked parents to keep their children at home, wherever possible:

If it is at all possible for children to be at home, then they should be.

Dr Toni Wolff, the school doctor, has also strongly advised parents to do this, especially for children with underlying health conditions (eg children with respiratory conditions).


The government has also said that:

If a child needs specialist support, is vulnerable, or has a parent who is a crucial worker, then educational provision (school) will be available to them.


For this reason, to support families, Oak Field School is currently remaining open from 8.50am-1pm only for

  • families for whom it is not possible to keep their child at home safely, or who are worried about doing this.  
  • families where one of the parents is classified as a keyworker

City and County Transport will be organising a 1pm pick-up time for any of these pupils who usually travel on school transport.


For further information about this, please see


We will need to review this provision weekly, and will keep you regularly updated via our website.


For all our pupils who are at home, you can find lots of suggestions for learning at home to our website - see the ‘Learning At Home’ section, which we will refresh regularly. We will contact you at least once a week, and if you have any questions or concerns about your child, you will of course be able to contact school, who will be able to signpost you to further support, as appropriate.


For pupils on free school meals (FSM) who are at home, under the Nottingham City Council scheme the school will be issuing £20 food vouchers each week, which can be exchanged for food and other essential items at any Aldi store. We will send these to you, with instructions about how to use them, as soon as they become available (30th March onwards).


Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Speech and Language Therapists will be working from their NHS base (not in school) and will be available by phone via the SPA: 0300 123 3387


Other useful phone numbers are:

  • Community Paediatrician hub: 0115 840 4848
  • SPA (eg for Community Nurses): 0300 123 3387
  • Rosscare (wheelchair repairs): 0115 684 8275


For further information about the closure of educational settings, please see:


If pupils are in school, we will be providing learning activities with the emphasis on fun – ‘normal’ lessons with the usual class peers and staff have been suspended, although we will of course try to maintain as much routine and familiarity as possible for the pupils. A school dinner will be provided as usual, if your child normally has one.  We will continue to follow government guidelines about social distance (for children and adults) as far as possible.


As you will appreciate, there is still much that is unknown, but we are here for you if you have any questions. And do keep a close eye on our website!


Yours sincerely



Patricia Lewis (Headteacher)
